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I have 2 package versions, let say 10.01 and 10.02. I install package version 10.02. Pkgutil --pkg-info lists 10.02. When installing version 10.01 then, the installer log says PackageKit: Skipping component .10.01... because the version ..10.02. is already installed.... So far so good. No payload is extracted. Good. But .... After installer 10.02 closes, the package version (pkgutil --pkg-info) is downgraded to 10.01; apparently. Is this a bug in "Installer" or "installd" or how to fix ? Packages are created using pkgbuild / productbuild, MacOS 10.14, 10.15
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In the last few weeks i observe notarize of macos software failing RequestUUID: guid id Date: date time Status: unknown (-3) LogFileURL: (null) This lasts for hours.
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Hello;i try to use the native calls to execute soap calls : NSURL, dataTaskWithRequest, ...This works well when having direct access to the internet, as well as connecting via proxy server.Session and Task specific challenge handlers didReceiveChallenge are implemented.All fails however when System Preferences are configured for proxy server requiring authentication.In this configuration, there is a popup panel (provided by macOS?) "Proxy Authentication Required" - Not Now' - "System Preferences". 1. When clicking "Not Now" button, there is a console message " mach_port_deallocate (os/kern) invalid right"followed by task specific challenge call NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic2.When clicking on System Preferences button, there is Username, Password panelAlso in the console there is a message*** WARNING: CFMachPortSetInvalidationCallBack() called on a CFMachPort with a Mach port (0x11503) which does not have any send rights. This is not going to work. Callback function: 0x7fff4ad86744When entering the proxy credentials, there is again a console message "....mach_port_deallocate .. invalid right".But no handlers didReceiveChallenge is called.How can i establish the handler didReceiveChallenge to be called (is not called now!) and can i use the macos? provided credential panel info (username password)?to be send along to completionhandler.
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Hello;we notarize our macos dmg installer files. I notice that the notarize java / altool waits for about 50 minutes on average, before it actually starts uploading which than happens at about 500KB or 1MB/secAfter the uploading , the processing takes about 7 minutes before notarized is confirmed ok.Why does the upload wait before it actually transmits the DMG file to apple?best regards
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Hello;A customer is using Automatic Proxy Discovery, and while investigating the issue,i noticed that Automatic Proxy Discovery will try to get proxy server/port fromhttp://wpad.subdomain.domain.local/wpad.dator http://wpad.domain.local/wpad.dator this mean that the application info.plist needs to have these"NSExceptionDomain" key dict in the application Info.plistto make it work?If yes, this would mean the Info.plist is specify per customer?If yes, is there a way to automatic set the Info.plist upon installation?If yes, what about if the 'application' is a plugin in a master application of a Third party?best regards
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